Aidan's Rides Across America
Aidan's Ride:
Aidan’s Rides are hosted by Indian Larry Motorcycles throughout the year all across the U.S.A to raise awareness for the ALD Alliance. The ALD Alliance was founded on behalf of Aidan Jack Seeger, the son of Bobby and Elisa Seeger, who passed away in 2012 from ALD (Adrenoleukodystrophy). Since his passing, the foundation has achieved mandated newborn screening in 31 states and counting for ALD and other federally recommended diseases at birth. Aidan's Rides are family friendly charity events that start with a group motorcycle ride and end with a celebration to commemorate Aidan's life and raise awareness for the disease and the foundation's efforts.
Aidan’s Story:

Aidan Jack Seeger was born July 21, 2004 a big, bouncing, blue eyed baby. Aidan was walking by 9 months, met all his milestones and loved playing soccer and chess. Little did Bobby and Elisa know he had ALD that was silently ravaging his brain. In the middle of first grade, Aidan started having some vision problems - where they thought he needed glasses. After many doctors visits and finally to a neurologist, who performed an MRI, we learned Aidan had ALD. This was June 2011.
Aidan lost his ability to see and shortly after lost all of his abilities. On April 29, 2012 after 10 long months of exhausting every potential treatment, Aidan lost his battle with ALD and their lives were forever shattered. Elisa made a promise to Aidan that she would fight to make sure this would not keep happening to boys across the country. Exactly 11 months to the day - March 29, 2013 - Aidan's Law was signed in New York and NY became the first state to start testing for ALD on December 30, 2013. Thus, the ALD Alliance, formerly known as the Aidan Jack Seeger Foundation, was born.
The Mission of the ALD Alliance:
The ALD Alliance helps families across the United States that are newly diagnosed with Adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD) by giving them the resources they need to fight this rare and devastating disease. This fight begins by making sure every baby born in the United States is tested at birth for ALD.
The ALD Alliance was established to address the need for information and newborn screening with respect to Adrenoleukodystrophy. In addition, we strive to support and encourage those afflicted and their families as they struggle to endure, adjust and cope with the demands of the disease.
- To advocate for ALD newborn screening in every state.
- To gather and provide current, functional information and provide financial support to families of children with ALD.
- To fund research efforts that will identify new treatments, therapies and ultimately, a cure for ALD.
- To raise awareness of ALD and increase the probability of early detection and treatment.
For more information about the ALD Alliance and ways to get involved, visit
2024 Upcoming Rides: